5 Bed, 4 Bath Midwestern Two-Level

  • Created on :  6/30/24
    Membre depuis :  October 2021
    Projets partagés :  8

Créateur initial :  White’s Remodeling

  • Created on :  6/30/24
    Auteur :  White’s Remodeling
    Membre depuis :  October 2021
    Projets partagés :  8

Créateur initial :  White’s Remodeling


Description du projet

Nowhere near finished but don’t want to lose when I switch phones. This is the actual blueprint to my actual house. I’ll share an updated version where I label each room. I’d love to see everyone’s renditions once I do! (Brick is not supposed to be on the walls. Unsure why it keeps spreading to the inside)

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de White’s Remodeling