Abandoned 70s Flip Reno

Créateur initial :  Dcrumley24

  • Created on :  6/23/23
    Auteur :  Renovation Is My Recommendatio
    Membre depuis :  May 2023
    Projets partagés :  15

Créateur initial :  Dcrumley24


Description du projet

This was originally posted by the amazing Dcrumley24. I renovated this house. It is now a 3 Beds 2/12 Bath and a converted garage which is now a dining room. This is the home of Meryl and Peter a wife and husband who have twins which are 1 year and 1 month apart. The older one is named Diana And the little one is Bobby. They have A Westie named vanilla and a carin terrier named coco. This home was built in 1978. But posted sometime in Early 2021 when I was in 5th Grade. I worked my ass off renovating this abomination now it is a beautiful masterpiece. If you renovate it again share it. Maxieboy,Out😉

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