Tiny, modern and simple house on the beach

  • Created on :  1/4/23
    Membre depuis :  May 2019
    Projets partagés :  53

Créateur initial :  ntbryentonrochard

  • Created on :  1/4/23
    Auteur :  ntbryentonrochard
    Membre depuis :  May 2019
    Projets partagés :  53

Créateur initial :  ntbryentonrochard


Description du projet

This house has been designed for the Tiny House Challenge in the Home design 3d International community group on Facebook. I have created a light, clean, modern tiny home with ocean views and a roof terrace garden. Situated in a secluded location on this sandy beach, with ocean views, this property would be perfect for a romantic getaway or for those wanting to lead a simple, quiet lifestyle

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de ntbryentonrochard