Greenwhich Mansion

  • Created on :  5/6/21
    Auteur :  Mburesh
    Membre depuis :  October 2020
    Projets partagés :  26

Créateur initial :  Mburesh

  • Created on :  5/6/21
    Auteur :  Mburesh
    Membre depuis :  October 2020
    Projets partagés :  26

Créateur initial :  Mburesh


Description du projet

Hi everyone! I didn’t build this project. I downloaded it and added some different things. This mansion belongs to some grandparents. (See my Chicago TownHome project for the grandchildren) There are 3 guest rooms for parents and 3 for all the cousins. The backyard includes a pool, patio and tennis court.

Les autres projets

de Mburesh