New project ( 4 )

  • Created on :  5/31/21
    Membre depuis :  January 2021
    Projets partagés :  2

Créateur initial :  MaryanaNahornyak

  • Created on :  5/31/21
    Auteur :  MaryanaNahornyak
    Membre depuis :  January 2021
    Projets partagés :  2

Créateur initial :  MaryanaNahornyak


Description du projet

I always wanted to make my dream vacation home. And this was it, it’s a old school hunting cabin style vacation home. That with all the beds combined. Two double bunk beds, and three couches 7 people can technically stay there in total. It’s completely isolated from the world. It had lovely places to relax and have a barbecue

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de MaryanaNahornyak