Quirky Mid-Century Flip

  • Created on :  8/11/24
    Auteur :  mario_jmmc
    Membre depuis :  February 2021
    Projets partagés :  54

Créateur initial :  Dcrumley24

  • Created on :  8/11/24
    Auteur :  mario_jmmc
    Membre depuis :  February 2021
    Projets partagés :  54

Créateur initial :  Dcrumley24


Description du projet

a nice 3 bed 2 bathroom house about 1500sqft and very nice collors that fit its small size. decent sized backyard with pool.waterfall counters made of granite and an open space.the house was a flip thank you to the account that made it and have a good one

Les autres projets

de mario_jmmc