• Created on :  9/4/24
    Auteur :  James528
    Membre depuis :  November 2023
    Projets partagés :  43

Créateur initial :  James528

  • Created on :  9/4/24
    Auteur :  James528
    Membre depuis :  November 2023
    Projets partagés :  43

Créateur initial :  James528


Description du projet

This is a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom condo with a small and cramped kitchen and a dated bathroom and laundry room. This condo is being sold for $128,000. You can download it to see more. Don’t forget to like it👍🏼!! The new tenets have a list of what they want to add and do for the condo… 1. Add a 2nd bedroom 2. Fix and update the kitchen 3. Demolish the kitchen divider wall. 4. Fix and upgrade the bathroom 5. Add a balcony 6. Add a pantry 7. Make a living room 8. Add lots of windows Fix it up make it bigger and better. Add the things on the list and then post your final project. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!

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de James528