Furnished Studio Apartment
Created on : 2/28/21
Auteur : HannaGWilliams
Membre depuis : September 2020
Projets partagés : 7
Créateur initial :
Created on : 2/28/21
Auteur : HannaGWilliams
Membre depuis : September 2020
Projets partagés : 7
Créateur initial : HannaGWilliams
Description du projet

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in helping me find inspiration for my apartment. Shortly before moving I was offered one of the bigger units so now I have more space for a separate bedroom. It's not entirely finished as i have to wait for a new bathroom vanity due to plumbing problems and I'm still indecisive above a kithchen island/table but I hope you like what I have so far.