Grand Midcentury Flip
Created on : 1/16/22Auteur : FR Homes LLCMembre depuis : July 2021Projets partagés : 21
Créateur initial :
Created on : 1/16/22Auteur : FR Homes LLCMembre depuis : July 2021Projets partagés : 21
Créateur initial : Dcrumley24
Description du projet
I renovated Dcrumleys24s mid cent house. From three bedroom closed home to a two story open 4 bedroom home. It’s a modern and a type of traditional style home in includes 4 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms in a small niebghrood. It’s an open concept kictehn with two living rooms and a small dining room. Open ceelings in both the master and the living room to make it more open. This is my first time having a project this year so I’ll start making renovations and renovating houses if I can. Byee