Grandpa's Room

  • Created on :  8/28/23
    Membre depuis :  March 2023
    Projets partagés :  1

Créateur initial :  facebook-102...

  • Created on :  8/28/23
    Auteur :  facebook-102...
    Membre depuis :  March 2023
    Projets partagés :  1

Créateur initial :  facebook-102...


Description du projet

My dear grandfather passed away last month of heart failure, he was a very important person in all of our lives, the father of everyone, I am sill mourning his passing and somehow recreating his room has been very pleasant for me, it helped me feel his presence still, I had countless positive and warm memories in this room, I studied here, slept here and prayed, I am on a plan to recreate his entire home, as this home was my paradise as a child as it is as an adult, I hope anyone who views this can feel the same warmth Grandpa gave us in his life, and pay respect to his beautiful soul