Created on : 8/17/20
Auteur : DarcieBowman
Membre depuis : July 2020
Projets partagés : 8
Created on : 8/17/20
Auteur : DarcieBowman
Membre depuis : July 2020
Projets partagés : 8
Créateur initial : DarcieBowman
Description du projet

Black and white MONOCHROMATIC home for a family of 4. The house is inspired by the SB-129 episode where Squidward locks himself in the freezer and time travels 2,000 years... lol, jk. But references aside, I’m guessing the family that lives here seems strict as there is a formal dining room and presents itself as a piano room for dinner music. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, an office. You could say these people have corporate desk jobs or run a company where they need multiple office spaces. The children, most likely an angsty gothic rebel teenage girl who listens to punk music and too cool for a TV, and a younger ballet obsessed daughter who doesn’t quite understand her older sister. Seems legit that these daughters would share a bathroom? I don’t know. Maybe the black and white keeps this family expressive and hardworking. Maybe they’re also 2,000 from the future.