Small & Cluttered Apartment - Imported

  • Created on :  8/9/24
    Membre depuis :  March 2023
    Projets partagés :  25

Créateur initial :  Elevator101

  • Created on :  8/9/24
    Auteur :  apple-001337...
    Membre depuis :  March 2023
    Projets partagés :  25

Créateur initial :  Elevator101


Description du projet

This is a house for a family of five one boy two girls And a mom and a dad. Oldest boy name is main middle child is a girl name is Missy the youngest is named Millie and is a girl and ages the oldest boy is six the middle child is a girl and is4 and the youngest is six months. And 10 animals 5 cats and 5 dogs this is a happy thought warm house with a bunch of toys everywhere and photos and pictures that’s a kids drawling’s

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de apple-001337...