• Created on :  6/26/24
    Membre depuis :  May 2024
    Projets partagés :  3

Créateur initial :  apple-000686...

  • Created on :  6/26/24
    Auteur :  apple-000686...
    Membre depuis :  May 2024
    Projets partagés :  3

Créateur initial :  apple-000686...


Description du projet

Enjoy a lazy day at the beach at the Island! There is many shops here. -Seaside Chapel -Doctors Office -Tropical Greens -Borcelle Bakery -Beachside Exercise Place -Beach Shak Restaurant Those are a few of the shops that are in there. Including a lighthouse, and a community pool. Enjoy a nice long lazy day at the island!

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de apple-000686...